The Presidents Did What?

My newest book, "The Presidents Did What?" by Wag Harrison was just released earlier this month! It was published by Brandylane Publishers and illustrated by me.
Step right up for a spooky tour of the White House! A long-dead, but still charismatic, Millard Fillmore will serve as your ghostly guide as you make your way through the Executive Mansion. Learn about the history of each room you visit from ghosts of presidents past-arguably the worst presidents in US history. Discover how they ended up there, cursed for all eternity to haunt the rooms of the White House, and find out why it's so important for us to learn from their mistakes.
"I loved The Presidents Did What? As a father of seven and a history buff, I loved how the book found a unique way to teach and keep kids interested in history. I knew my kids would love it, but I wasn't prepared for the meaningful conversations we had after reading the book. This book will stay on our bookshelf as my boys get older."
--Matt Paxton, father of seven children, and host of the hit shows Legacy List with Matt Paxton and Hoarders
"In the tale The Presidents Did What? by Wag Harrison, the ghost of President Millard Fillmore takes readers on a journey through the White House to speak to the other ghosts of one-term presidents. Here, Fillmore and other presidents, such as Martin Van Buren and Warren G. Harding, hash out the flaws and mistakes that ruined their chances at a second term. Not only did I learn a thing or two, but I found myself fully engaged in this children's book even as an adult. This children's book is one for the history books, literally, and belongs on everyone's shelf."
--Lori Starling, MFA, author of Toby Wears a Tutu

© 2021 Brandylane Publishers

© 2021 Brandylane Publishers

© 2021 Brandylane Publishers

© 2021 Brandylane Publishers
Process video on making the cover.