No, I Do Not Work For Free !

I get an incredible amount of requests for illustrations from people with no budget.
It often starts like this: “I wrote a book for my daughter’s birthday…” or includes “This will be a great opportunity to showcase your work.” or this “I would like my book to be illustrated before submitting it to a publisher so I don’t currently have a budget for it”, or one more I had recently “If you’re a money grabbing business you’re not a real artist.” (that one hurt).
Please people! Show some respect! Illustration is my FULL-TIME JOB! This job is what pays my bills and puts food on my table. No, I cannot go to the bakery to buy bread with ‘exposure’. And no, I’m not a money grabber, I just have bills to pay like everyone else. And no, running a business doesn’t mean I denigrate art or I’m any less of an artist. I give my heart and soul to my art, I work hard to improve my technique and skills, I learn everyday how to be a better artist and how to express myself in my work. I’m also learning to respect myself and to value the work I create. I wish everyone could do the same.
Please, respect professional artists and respect their work. If you like their art don’t expect them to give it out for free.
Thank you.