Johanna Gousset

Johanna Gousset

Johanna Gousset

Johanna Gousset

I'm a creative director, illustrator and animation artist.

I paint, I draw and do all things creative. Some say I'm odd, some say I'm old (though I'm only 29), but most say I'm kind. I like to meet people, though I'm the most happy on my own with my brushes and paints. I like music and words and it's probably because I'm no good at them that I illustrate instead. It means I can be part of any world I want without having to shine and bow. I like to be the discreet one in the corner, capturing every scene in my sketchbook. Though don't get me wrong! I can also be brave and strong! Many can tell you "though she may be small, she is fierce"! Always trying my best to be fair and just and in return I expect to be treated fairly too.
I hope you will grow curious, like I did. And I hope you will see beauty in things and try to work towards more of it in this world.


I grew up in the Pyrenean mountains, in the South of France, surrouned by beautiful nature and animals. Both my parents were artists (engravers). I traveled around a lot, especially to the United-States where I went multiple times. I lived in London (UK) for 6 years and after Covid I moved to Belgium where I still live today.

I got my BA Honours in Illustration from Middlesex University, London (UK).

Interesting fact: I was homeschooled for most of my younger years, which for me was the best thing ever! It allowed me to learn at my own pace and have plenty of free time to read, be creative and discover the world around me.

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