Illustrations for the book "The sweet-toothed Coco".

Today we will talk about illustrations for the book "The sweet-toothed Coco". This is a picture book where text and illustrations are organically and inextricably linked, complement each other and equally affect the perception of the book. In order to feel the visual rhythm of the text blocks on each page, I put them in different places. In this book I used different types of illustrations. For the key points, I used illustrations for the entire book spread. And also for one of the book spreads I chose an unusual angle from top to bottom. I chose lines as one of the most powerful tools when creating a composition. They lead the viewer's gaze along the illustration to the main object, such as in the illustration where a monkey talks to a crocodile. In order for the picture not to seem boring and flat in some illustrations, I took some elements of the composition outside the drawing. In general, the book turned out to be lively and dynamic.
P.S. See more of my illustrator works on my personal website -