Graduating with my MFA!

Hi! My name is Christina Rodriguez-Unalt, but my artist name "C. Rod. Unalt," so as not to be confused with another artist of a similar name. You may remember some of my work that was signed with my maiden name, Christina Ann Rodriguez which included three picture books, children's magazines, and educational work under my older blog, "cRod Art Blog." I am just about wrapping up my graduate studies from the University of Hartford's Low Residency MFA in Illustration program and am reflecting on how my work has grown and changed tremendously. I felt that this "new me" needed a brand new introduction, a website overhaul, and a brand new blog to go with it. If you decide to follow me I wish to post blogs and videos regularly about my process for working. Insights on the children's books market as well as sharing with you some of my thesis work. My thesis paper itself describes my career as an artist thus far and I thought this would be a great place to share some of that with all of you.
I defended my thesis today and it all seems so surreal. The past few years have been conquered with a lot of sweat and some tears, but alas my classmates and I have made it! I can not be grateful enough to the faculty especially the program director, CF Payne, as well as my thesis advisor Bill Thomson, and the program coordinator Shayna Piascik, who have all put so much effort into making this program every bit worth the wealth of knowledge it provided. If you would like to check out the virtual gallery we created for what would have been our graduate exhibition, you can view it at