Kirsty Oxley

Kirsty Oxley

Wally the Seafood-Allergic Walrus

"Wally the Seafood-Allergic Walrus" is more than just a fun children's story. It is an educational tool for children, parents, and educators alike. The story emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing food allergies, being prepared with necessary medications like an "EpiFriend," and displaying empathy in emergency situations.

Moreover, this lovely story highlights the significance of forgiveness and friendship, demonstrating that these values can turn even the most difficult circumstances into opportunities for growth and understanding.

So, join Wally and his friends and embark on an exciting journey filled with laughter, lessons, and a walrus who loves seaweed soup!

Written by food allergist Dr. Alice Hoyt!

Wally the Seafood-Allergic Walrus
Wally the Walrus, Sarah the Shark, Nate the Narwhal and Annie the Sea Anenome

Wally the Walrus, Sarah the Shark, Nate the Narwhal and Annie the Sea Anenome

Wally and his Mum

Wally and his Mum

Wally jumping in the sea!

Wally jumping in the sea!

Wally the Walrus

Wally the Walrus

Annie the Sea Anenome

Annie the Sea Anenome

Nate the Narwhol

Nate the Narwhol

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