These Back to School Illustrations Will Get You Excited for the Upcoming School Year!

School is where we spend our formative and adolescent years making friends, discovering a passion, figuring out the world, or simply working towards the next step in life.
We’ve rounded up some awesome illustrations of the place where learning and growing happen!

How did you prepare for school? This student by Sudesna Samanta began her school days getting her hair done by her beloved grandmother~
School Supplies
New pencils? Notebooks? Bag?

Which of these back-to-school patterns by Natalie Briscoe (represented by Jennifer Nelson Artists, Inc.) would look great as a notebook cover?

It’s time to get your shopping on at this back-to-school sale by Cari McKee!
Going to School
On the way to start the day!

This Italian father by Gabriella Vagnoli brings his daughter to school everyday on his trusty scooter! 🛵

Did you walk to school? Or did you ride a bike like this little cyclist by Dana Regan? 🚲
School Bus
Were you a school bus kid?

How fun would it be to ride this Topsy Turvy Bus by Carolina Farías (represented by mbartists)? 🚍

Yay! Look at these excited bus riders by Amy Husband! 🐘🐷🦓🐢🦁🚌

It’s an interesting ride in this bus by Nadia Ronquillo on school pet day!
First Day of School
The beginning of the rest of the year~

Desks in a circle, this class by Mariana Wasiljew (represented by Good Illustration) is about to have a fun lesson!

Here’s a school by Victoria Mikki that enrols animals and fruits!

Good morning to these students by Anna Clark who are off to school!

How sweet are these students by Golnar Servatian, welcoming the new addition to their class!

Mmm! Recess is time for sharing snacks, and these kids by Alina Marsh have some yummy ones! 🤤

Everyone’s having lots of fun in this dino daycare by Brandon Koepke!
Students’ home away from home~

Kids are encouraged to unleash their creativity in this class by Siski Kalla! 😄

What a colourful classroom by Susana Soto (represented by Good Illustration)!

Which one are you in this class by Victor Tavares (represented by Beehive Illustration)?

Yay! This enthusiastic student by Emilie Chollat (represented by Good Illustration) knows the answer to the teacher’s question!

It’s story time! Come sit and listen with these little kiddies by Gustavo Mazali (represented by mbartists). 😊

No one feels left out in this inclusive classroom by Elisabeth Clover. 🫶
School Events
Which school event did you most look forward to?

Time to venture out of the classroom~ These little ones by Adriana Predoi are off to the art gallery today!

Mehrdokht Amini shows us a beautiful place for a school trip - the Orangery in Kensington Palace! 🤩

Have you ever been part of a school play? This little girl by Elmira Georgieva (represented by WendyLynn & Co) is feeling a bit shy on her first time on stage.

There’s some fierce competition in this school bake sale by Susana Ramirez Solis (represented by Illustration Online LLC)! 🧁

It’s someone’s birthday in this class by Melissa Fife! 🎂

Donning her groovy specs, this science enthusiast by Tammie Lyon (represented by mbartists) aces her presentation!
Trouble in School

Hmm, there’s a long line outside this detention room by Margeaux Lucas (represented by mbartists)...

Oh no, these girls by Abigail Marble are caught passing notes! 😰
Books About School
Read about school life in these books~

Ciao, Maestro! illustrated by Susanna Rumiz

Get Ready for School illustrated by Maria Neradova (represented by Good Illustration)

School Rules illustrated by Zoe Ranucci