

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

With slinky steps and soft purrs, let these cats by our talented artist members put a smile on your face today!

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Living the chillest life is this orange-striped kitty by Laura Watson (represented by Illustration Online LLC). 🐱

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Move aside - these snazzy cats by Lauren Lowen (represented by Jennifer Nelson Artists, Inc.) are coming into town on their snazzy ride! 🚗

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Sir Fluffy, the fanciest kitty by Adriana Predoi, only eats the freshest, top-quality food~

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

This sweet black kitty by Lindsey Sagar wants to remind you that you’re purrfect, just the way you are! 😸

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Want to play with this shy little kitten by Alicia Padron?


Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Would you like to go on a nice bike ride through the tulips with these cats by Melissa Fife?

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Know a cat-lover whose special day is coming up? This pop-up cat card by Sally Darby is the perfect gift!

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Cats Rock! These orange kitties by Sarah-Leigh Wills have all gathered to celebrate their awesomeness~

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

We could look at these playing kittens by Jo Gershman all day! 😸


Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

This plump boss cat by Kathi Ember ordered the daily special, and he’s not disappointed! 😺

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Cats and yarn - a recipe for chaos by Moira Ratchford!

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Pranked! This hungry kitty by Deb Johnson has been duped by a bucket of fish! ☹️

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Join these night gardeners by Christiane Engel (represented by Good Illustration) for some starlit strawberry-picking! 😺🍓🌟


Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Just a fluffy sneaky cat by Sudesna Samanta roaming around the garden at night~

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Meet Scarlatti's Cat - illustrated by Alison Jay - the feline rumoured to have inspired the Fugue in G minor. 🎶

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Impeccably groomed, this snowy feline by Mary Hall sits on her favourite pedestal like a royal kitty.

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

It’s supposed to be lunch time for this ginger cat by Mariia Furdei, but there’s a slight problem…

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

What a lovely cat family by Kasia Nowowiejska (represented by Good Illustration)!


Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Aw, this plump ginger cat by Elisabeth Clover has been put on a diet, and he’s not happy about it

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

There is a kitten that is trying to bring happiness to you all! And it’s this yellow cat by Ken Smiths! 😸

Cats and Mice

Tom and Jerry have got nothing on these felines with their rodent frenemies~

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

What an interesting cat and mouse school set-up by Carles Arbat (represented by mbartists)!

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Oooh, there seems to be a mice festival going on, and this kitty by Remy Simard (represented by mbartists) is super curious!

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Henry, this bow-bearing kitty by Chris Beatrice, is happy to “play” with his mice friends.

Cats and Other Animals

Just cats being adorable with friends~

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Gentle Koko loves cuddling her kitten, All-Ball, illustrated by Berrie Torgan-Randall. 😊

Celebrate International Cat Day with Cats, Cats, and More Cat Illustrations

Diego The Donkey by Carol Liddiment is a bit shy, so these cats are trying to make him feel at home.

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