

" Mes plus belles histoires pour rêver ", Hemma Editions


For this book I had the pleasure of illustrating two animal stories: “Tralali, tralala! On chante dans les bois”, written by Ginou Jussel, and "Souricette Roquefort cherche une nouvelle famille", written by Corinne Machon.


Cover A.A.V.V.

" Mes plus belles histoires pour rêver ", Hemma Editions

– Tralali, tralala, I’m walking in the woods, sings Fox.
He meets Little Rabbit bringing back his harvest.
– I’ll trade you your mushrooms for this beautiful basket of strawberries.
– Strawberries for mushrooms, now that’s a good idea, he replies.

And immediately the deal is done, because Little Rabbit is a true gourmet ;-)

– Tralali, tralala, I’m walking in the woods, sings Wolf.
He meets Little Rabbit and his big pot of honey.
– I’ll trade you your honey for these juicy blackberries.
– Blackberries for honey, I agree, he answers, hesitating a little.

And he leaves with his big bowl of blackberries. I’m going to have a great time, he thinks.

detail of illustration from : “Tralali, tralala! On chante dans les bois ”, Hemma Editions

detail of illustration from : “Tralali, tralala! On chante dans les bois ”, Hemma Editions

– Tralali, tralala, I’m walking in the woods, sings Little Rabbit.

He decided to go pick mushrooms to make a delicious omelette.

In a well-hidden corner under the big trees, he finds enough to fill his big basket.

detail of illustration from : “Tralali, tralala! On chante dans les bois ”, Hemma Editions

detail of illustration from : “Tralali, tralala! On chante dans les bois ”, Hemma Editions

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