Patricia Kreiser

Patricia Kreiser

Patricia Kreiser

Patricia Kreiser

Patricia Kreiser's debut picture book, ALWAYS TOGETHER (Capstone Publishing) was released January 1, 2024. It features two little otters who are always together, until suddenly they are not.  One is left behind and nothing is the same.

Patricia is available to illustrate picture books, early readers, chapter books, and covers.  From pouting pandas to cowboy chipmunks, Patricia is an author-illustrator who loves to create picture stories, especially through little animals. She draws inspiration from her children's experiences, her active imagination, and her real-life adventures.  Although it can be tough to fit in the little chairs, she firmly believes that you’re never too old to get comfortable in the children’s section of the local library or bookstore.

A graduate of Pratt Institute and a member of SCBWI, Her watercolor illustrations have received recognition in the 2016 SCBWI Bologna Illustration gallery and made the DPictus showcase 3 longlist.

Some of her earliest and best memories were reading The Tales of Peter RabbitThe Monster at the End of This Book, and Bread and Jam for Frances. She hopes her stories will one day be someone’s favorite childhood memory.  Originally from central Pennsylvania, where she met and married her high school sweetheart, she now resides with her family in her studio-home just minutes from Philadelphia.

Please send all job queries to agent Ronnie Ann Herman of The Herman Agency, Inc.

Patricia Kreiser Illustration



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