Sophie Furman
Children's Illustrator
Who or what made you want to become an illustrator?
It started with my sister and me dreaming up picture book stories, and continued through the incredible support and encouragment of my illustrator community, my husband, and my critique groups. I've met so many wonderful people who are in the thick of this journey, and owe so much to them!!

Sophie Furman
What do you hope children take away from your drawings?
I hope that kids find a happy space in my illustrations, that they are a window and a door to them, and that they help kids everywhere. I hope that the illustrations make the kid smile, the same smiles on my two nephews faces when I read them books! Books are magic, especially children's books!

Sophie Furman
Which project are you most proud of?
I love all my projects very much, and one of these favorites is my work for the New York City Department of Education, illustrating a portrait of Harriet Tubman. It was amazing getting this important figure in history in front of kids. It was a dream project!

Sophie Furman
Animals feature heavily in children’s books – do you have a pet?
I'm very lucky in having a very small studio assistant named Cookie, who helps with all my projects (with lots of nap breaks). She is a tiny Havanese pup who is the best dressed and best fluffed pup in all of Brooklyn!

Kelly Lockett Studio - https://www.kellylockettstudio.com/