David Oates
Children's Illustrator
Who or what made you want to become an illustrator?
I first wanted to become an illustrator at the age of about 7 after falling in love with comic books and visual story telling. I would spend hours just sitting and drawing. Sadly, I had a bad experience during my GCSE art course and with my confidence shattered I downed tools completely and would not pick up a pencil to draw for another 20 years!
At the age of 38 and with nothing to do during the pandemic, I wrote my first children's book, 'The Imagination Thief' and started sending it out to publishers. I included some illustrations of the characters and to my great pleasure and surprise I was offered a contract for both the book and the illustration! I couldn't belive it. After years of thinking my dream was over I was finally an illustrator. The second book was published in 2023 and the rest, as they say, is history.

David Oates first book

David Oates, second book
Did you attend art school or undertake any other formal artistic training?
I am largely self taught. I did do a GCSE in art but I had a horrible teacher who didn't think illustration was art so I only got a rather pathetic D.
Do you have a favourite picture book or recall one of the first picture books you saw?
I love all the work by Oliver Jeffers - I think 'Heart In a Bottle' is an absolute masterpiece. I also love Anthony Browne's work.
What do you hope children take away from your drawings?
I try and create fun and exciting illustrations that compliment my story. I was like to encourage young people to draw so I focus on shape and work that is easy to follow.
Which 4 words would you use to describe your illustration portfolio?
Traditional, soft, cute, magical.
Are you an author/illustrator?
I call myself an illustrator who writes. I'm an illustrator first but I love writing as well.
Which project are you most proud of?
My second book, The Dream Hoarder. It was very easy to write and the story really meant a lot to me as someone who has been affected by not fitting in with the crowd.