Peaceful Like a Panda, published by Rodale Kids

To start the year with good news, I am very excited to announce the release of a new book I’ve illustrated — it’s Peaceful Like a Panda, the sequel to the original Breathe Like a Bear book, written by Kira Willey and published by Rodale Kids. This is a fantastic 96-page mindfulness book featuring 30 new exercises for kids to learn and practice. Just like the original book, this one is fully illustrated by me, with a 2-page illustration for each exercise. There are lots of cuddly animals, bright colors and vibrant scenes to go along with the easy-to-do exercises designed by Kira.

I love the way the book is organized into 6 sections, each based around a time of day or a type of activity that kids do throughout the day. It starts with Rise and Shine, which features exercises to help wake you up and get you ready for the day. The second section is Are We There Yet, which includes mindfulness moments that can be done on the way to school or that build on the theme of travel. Section 3 is Brain Boosters, designed to help kids focus and learn throughout the day. In the fourth section, Play Time, the exercises encourage using your imagination and having fun. Section 5 is Let’s Eat, which centers on being mindful about what we eat and where that food came from. Lastly there’s Good Night, which helps kids wind down at the end of the day and become calm and ready for sleep.

As with all of the mindfulness books I’ve illustrated, this is written by the amazingly talented Kira Willey, who not only writes books but also writes and performs children’s music, and teaches kids yoga and mindfulness in schools! If you like mindfulness and music, or if you have little ones who do, you should definitely check her out — her website is here and she is on Spotify! These books have been such a pleasure to work on due to Kira’s great writing, and also because of the wonderful people at Rodale Kids, especially art director Jan Gerardi who has been so positive, kind and hard-working throughout the whole process. Thank you Kira and Jan!