Lunchables (Kraft Foods) Advertorial

Introducing limited-edition “Lunchabuilds”, building kits to inspire kids to build and eat!
Lunchables Advertorial - Parents magazine November issue illustrated by Alistar Illustration.
Client: Lunchables // Kraft Foods Inc. Chicago,Illinois.
Art Director: Tracy D'Agostino, Meredith parents Network - Parents Magazine - New York, NY.
A fun pull-out diorama 'build a scene'.
Once folded up, the child places their rocket ship of crackers/cheese/cookies creation 'into' the scene.

It was a pleasure working with such an amazing artist/illustrator as Alistar — one who has a very high work ethic and a level of professionalism that goes well-above the norm. Thorough, considerate, skillful, talented, imaginative, and with quick solutions and ideas which helps with any type of deadline.
For me, Alistar reached the stars and beyond, and was truly fantastic to work with — stellar work indeed!- Tracy D’Agostino // Art Director,
Meredith Parents Network // New York, NY // USA
Client: Lunchables // Kraft Foods Inc.