La ciudad de Alex

A story about empathy, tolerance and coexistence mixed with magic. Written by Nadia Lafuente and published in Spain on 2016.
I was in charge of the book design and the illustrations. It is a middle reader book, structured in 4 sets/scenes: the city, the desert, the subterranean world and the jungle. These four will be the chapters but we'll find a subdivision in subchapters.
I enjoy creating minimal images so I made these graphic ones above, like "logos" for the story chapters and subchapters. For the chapters, the images are about where the story is set. For the subchapters, the image summarize what are you going to find next.

The book is made up by a combination of full-page illustrations and details. But there are some surprises at the beginning and at the end of the book...

Endpapers are always fun to create. It's where you can go more free. For this book it was really great to draw a map of Alex's world at the beginning, so kids can set the story, and a maze for the end. A cool activity to get all the ingredients for the empathy recipe following the story, but be careful with the traps!

The main characters are Alex, from the city, Dingo, from the desert and Amanda from the subterranean world. The three kids will live the great adventure of their lives to save the world.