Elephants Walk Together

Bistra Masseva’s sensitive portrayal of these gentle and intelligent creatures is what makes this book so very special - from pure joy to utter despair and many emotions between experienced by Precious and Baba over the course of this sweet story. Bistra says of this stunning work:
“I have long been fascinated with elephants, despite being relatively familiar with them, the book still presented a twofold challenge. The first was to find a sensitive and appropriate visual tone for the illustrations, which was in tune with the seriousness of the subject, but without making them too depressing or frightening for children. The second challenge was to draw two elephants of the same species which are still distinguishable from one another. It was a pleasure to work on Cheryl’s story and I felt part of a good cause – promoting elephant conservation awareness and showing children the value of friendship."
A heartwarming, sweet and evocative story, ‘Elephants Walk Together’ is out now from Albert Whitman and Co.