Blue Fly Mystery

This past week I created this very short story I call the Blue Fly Mystery.
Matilda's work was interrupted by a blue fly carrying an important message.

Message delivered.

What might it mean?

Gasp! Kaboodle!
I often tell my clients that if I laugh while I draw, they'll be getting my best work. I did laugh as I drew this kitten. She may one of the sassier felines I've drawn. Being more a dog guy, this is about how cats impress me: They're "I do what I want" kind of animals. I admit they are beautiful creatures and certainly have their own style. I'm prepping myself to take care of our neighbor's cat critter this week. Ebony the cat is an introverted gal, and not one for the kind of goofy dog-play I'm used to, but I'll gladly feed and water her; she is, after all, my neighbor.
Blue Fly Mystery story and art ©2018 Ed Koehler