
The Organisation

Aesop's Fables reworked

 Released this month is the brand new work from Victoria Assanelli. Collaborating with Amicus publishing in the US, she has produced the lovely illustrations for their reworking of much loved classic Aesop's fables, brought back to life in a contemporary context. The six book series features The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Lion & Mouse, The Tortoise and the Hare, Lion Bear & Fox, and  Town Mouse & Country Mouse.

Aesop's Fables reworked
Aesop's Fables reworked
Aesop's Fables reworked
Aesop's Fables reworked
Aesop's Fables reworked
Aesop's Fables reworked
Aesop's Fables reworked

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