Bar Fabian
Children's Illustrator
Who or what made you want to become an illustrator?
My mother. She was an archaeologist and a painter by profession, She used to paint the flint vessels for the Antiquities Authority
I always admired her and wanted to be like her So I tried to imitate her drawings when I was a child
How and why did you decide to pursue illustration as your career?
My dream was to illustrate a children's book. I was stubborn enough to send my portfolio everywhere. The first book I illustrated was a bestseller in a well-known children's series, called Detective Games by Michael Ebb. Since then my illustration style has changed a lot.

Where do you currently live and where did you grow up?
I grew up in Be'er Sheva, it's a city in the desert, in the south of Israel. Today I live in Givatayim, which is very close to Tel Aviv.

Have you always loved to draw?
Yes, since I can remember, I have always drawn. In pencil, pens, pastel, oil. It wasn't until I was 16 that I discovered how to draw on a computer.
Do you have a favourite soundtrack you listen to when you’re working?
Mostly a Disney soundtrack.
Are you an author/illustrator?
Full-time freelance illustrator. I am currently writing my first children's book.
When you are not drawing, how do you like to relax?
I like to read and play the piano. But unfortunately, I don't have enough time, but every day I go for a walk at noon with the dogs - it always calms me down.
What are some of your favourite subjects to draw?
I will prefer any book that has animals in it. But I also like books with human characters that have a twist.

Animals feature heavily in children’s books – do you have a pet?
I love animals, that's why I have 2 dogs. Kali and Koya.
But my childhood dream is to raise a fox.

Have you ever thought about trying out a different technique or a different style?
Yes, I try to change my perspective and my technique every now and then, I don't like to be fixed. On the other hand, it is important for me to maintain a certain line that I feel is mine.
Where do you get the ideas for your characters?
Most of the time I will see them in my imagination when I read the story, it happens immediately. But I try to understand with the writer what he sees in order to make it accurate.