Ann Koffsky

Ann Koffsky

Ann Koffsky Interview

Ann Koffsky

Children's Illustrator

Did you attend art school or undertake any other formal artistic training?

I majored in art at Stern College, which is a liberal arts college, and then I went for an extra year to the School of Visual Arts to learn more about illustration. I also learned a ton "on the job", as an art director for Behrman House publishers.

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Where do you currently live and where did you grow up?

I live in West Hempstead, Long Island with my family. I grew up not so far away, in Lynbrook, Long Island. My husband and I married young, and lived in NYC, Washington DC, and then NJ...but eventually we ended up back close to home.

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Was creativity part of your childhood?

Definitely. I still remember a moment in kindergarten when a boy that I thought was the coolest boy EH-vuh saw my drawing of a bird and said “Ann-that bird!!” It felt like I had pulled off a magic trick! I think that’s my first clear moment of thinking “Aha! I’ve got something here. I can do this.”

What is your favourite children’s book and why?

This is a trick question becuase there are SOOOO many I love. But a couple that I can mention at this moment include: Robert McClotskey's Make Way for Ducklings; David Weisner's Tuesday and Trina Schart Hyman's Herschel and the Hanukkah Goblins and all things Steven Light.

Who is your favourite children’s book character and why?

Harold from Harold and Purple Crayon. I think it's obvious why!

Which 4 words would you use to describe your illustration portfolio?

Whimsical, cheerful, inviting, warm

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Which area of children’s publishing excites you the most?

Just making stories!

Have you taken part in any speaker events?

Many, many! I have spoken at 100+ schools, libraries, events. I love it! 

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Do you have a favourite soundtrack you listen to when you’re working?

I listen to a lot of podcasts--all kinds. 

Are you an author/illustrator?

Yup. I started out wanting to be an illustrator, so I spent a lot of time showing my portfolio to editors and publishers.  They would often say “Nice stuff. We’ll call you when we have a project that fits your style.” But then never called! So, I decided, I will write a story myself, and if they like it, I’ll suggest myself as the illustrator, too! It worked. A small publisher, Shulsinger Judaica said, “Oh, I get it, we now know what project to put you on—the one you wrote!” and I was able to write and illustrate a small bunch of titles for them.

Have you visited any schools to speak or hold workshops?

Many! More than 100+ public schools, catholic schools, Jewish schools, and more. I love it!

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