"Alithia Ramirez Was an Artist," by Violet Lemay
Alithia Ramirez Was an Artist asks an important question: Can one girl and her crayons change the world? Violet Lemay's picture book biography of Uvalde victim Alithia Ramirez celebrates Alithia's life and art, and the art of all children. Some of Alithia's actual artwork is included in Violet's illustrations. All author proceeds fund an art scholarship in Alithia's name. Details at the Alithia's Art Angels website.

Alithia and her art supplies.
Alithia Ramirez was happiest when she was surrounded by her art supplies. Her favorite: whichever lasted the longest!
This charming illustration of Alithia drawing was created by Violet Lemay for the back cover of Althia Ramirez Was an Artist, a picture book biograpy of Uvalde victim Alithia Haven Ramirez.

Alithia's world.
As Alithia Ramirez moves through her day, she adds color to the world.
This poignant illustration from Alithia Ramirez Was an Artist by Violet Lemay stresses the importance and power of art—even the art of a child. Several of Alithia's actual drawings are incorprated into Violet's illustration.

Transition. :'-(
This illustration in Alithia Ramirez Was an Artist wordlessly symbolizes Alithia's transition to the afterlife. The background colors were created with digital crayons. Author/illustrator Violet Lemay collged in bits of Alithia's original art to symbolize her passage to heaven.