

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

“A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.” —Billy Graham


To the provider, protector, forever fan, and guiding light - we’re celebrating fathers around the world with this collection of Father’s Day illustrations!

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

It’s the day to give your old man a big hug like this baby panda by Dharmali Patel (represented by Illustration Online LLC)! 🐼

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Yes, we’re also celebrating pet dads today! Here’s a new furfather by Elizabeth Sparg  welcoming his furbaby home. 🐶

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

This wonderful bedtime illustration by Gisele Murias (represented by Good Illustration) reminds us of this quote by Pam Brown:

"Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of song."

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Truly, loving dads like this one by Elisa Ferro (represented by Good Illustration) are treasures. 🫶

Father and Daughter Illustrations

“To her, the name of father was another name for love.” —Fanny Fern

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Dads - like this one by Violet Lemay (represented by mbartists) - show their love in the ordinary moments. 💙

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

This Italian father by Gabriella Vagnoli brings his little girl to school on his scooter everyday.

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

When you’ become a girl dad like this one by Anna Bury, you become an expert hair stylist! 😄

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

This lovely illustration by Claudia Tenorio Pearl makes us think of this quote by Harper Lee:

“She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most potent moral force in her life, was the love of her father.”


Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Father and daughter time isn’t all dress up and tea parties — sometimes, it’s full of adrenaline, like this daddy-daughter fishing adventure by Giovanni Abeille (represented by mbartists)!

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

What happens when you put a father and his daughter in a boat? Victor Tavares (represented by Beehive Illustration) shows us! 😆

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

On the other hand, this dad Kim Soderberg (represented by Illustration Online LLC) bonds with his daughter through morning walks on the beach.

Father and Son Artwork

"It is not flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons." — Johann Friedrich Von Schiller

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Someone once said, “A dad is someone who wants to catch you when you fall. Instead he picks you up, brushes you off and lets you try again.” This sweet illustration by Maine Diaz (represented by mbartists) captures this quote nicely.

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Clarence Budington Kelland said, "My father didn't tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it." And in caring for his family every day, this father by Vu Mini (represented by Good Illustration) shows his son how to live well.

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

It may just be bathtime — something done every day — but to this dad by Felipe Matos, it’s precious time spent with his son


Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Bedtime can be tricky — just ask this father by Alicia Padron who has a very energetic baby! 😅

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Father and son bonding can happen anywhere. Sometimes, it’s sharing a well-loved hobby like this pair by Leah Reilly.

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Other times, exploring a totally new place is a great way to make memories! This father and son by Nadia Ronquillo are wandering the historical centre of Quito, Ecuador.

Father and Family

“The greatest mark of a father is how he treats his children when no one is looking.” —Dan Pearce

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Here’s a lovely family portrait by Nicholas Child. 😊

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

When your dad’s a surfer like this one by Miriam Escobosa, riding the waves is a way of life! 🌊

Books Featuring Fathers

Here are some books to read together this Father’s Day~

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Family Kiss, illustrated by Anastasiya Halionka, is about the ups and downs of growing a family, and learning a new way of showing love to each other.

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Things To Do With Dad, illustrated Susanna Rumiz, is filled with lots of fun scenes of dads and their kids going on adventures and discoveries!

Sweet Illustrations of Fathers for Father's Day

Daddy Played the Blues, illustrated by Michael Garland, tells a story of the African-American odyssey and the development of blues music.

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