Raise Your Glass and Say Thanks with These Thanksgiving Illustrations

'Tis the season to be festive! Dive into the holiday spirit with our Thanksgiving illustrations - a fun and delicious journey that perfectly captures the essence of putting together your annual feast. Join us for a joyful celebration!

Before the rush begins, let’s join these raccoons by Kim Gatto (represented by Cornell & Company) in planting gratitude in our hearts. ❤️

Time to head out for some grocery shopping, but there’s some traffic jam happening because of… turkeys. Yep, these birds by Debbie Hefke are on the run!

People not cooking - like this little cutie by April Hartmann - can get a little peckish while waiting for the feast to be ready, so why not snack on a bit of fruit? 🍎🍊🍇

If you’ve got some to spare, do donate to food banks near you like this bunny by Justyna Kotra. 🙂
Thanksgiving Meal Shopping
How far will your budget go?

What dishes can you make with these ingredients by Stephanie Peterson Jones (represented by Cornell & Company)?

You can get the best stuff at this Animal Market by Lauren Lowen (represented by Jennifer Nelson Artists, Inc.)! 😃

After a long day of shopping, how about getting yourself a little treat from this sweet shop by Kristin Abbott-MacLaren? 🍰 After all, the work isn’t over yet…
Cooking a Thanksgiving Feast
Exhausting, but rewarding.

This nana by Carol Liddiment has one secret for decades of scrumptious meals: it’s having her best friend in the kitchen! 😸

These baking enthusiasts by Craig Cameron (represented by Beehive Illustration) are starting young so they’ll be experts by the time they’re all grown up!

Sometimes, disaster strikes just when you think everything’s going well. This chef by Sachiko Yoshikawa (represented by mbartists) is overwhelmed by frogs destroying his kitchen! 🐸

Cooking for so many people is indeed very stressful. Take a break and chuckle at these bakery jokes by Susan Batori (represented by Good Illustration)! 👨🍳

Meet Ethan, an 11-year-old boy by Anna Ivanir (represented by Jennifer Nelson Artists, Inc.). He loves his family and his cat, and he loves cooking!

A simple yet very versatile crop, the corn! Jagriti Khirwar illustrated this yummy grilled version with citrus and sauce! 🌽
Thanksgiving Gathering Reunion Celebration Meal
After the turkey’s done turkey-ing and the yams are done yam-ming, it’s time to dig in!

What dishes are usually part of your Thanksgiving meal? This woodland family by Sunnu Rebecca Choi (represented by Good Illustration) love pumpkin and acorn!

Don’t want to cook, but want a variety of good food? Why not come to this food truck park by Ivette Salom?

How about a little snack? Have some lemon pie and hot cider with these mice by Elisabeth Clover. 🍋

All the cooking is done - it’s time to have Thanksgiving dinner with this family by Kateryna Manko~

No turkey? No problem! This family by Joy Dabby is sharing a simple Thanksgiving meal, grateful that they are together. ❤️

Good friends gathered around a great spread? These animals by Linda Bronson are overwhelmed with gratitude. 🙌

We’re loving how balanced this home-cooked feast by Alice Wong is! 😋

As usual, there’s always room for dessert! This little boy by Anastasiya Halionka can’t get enough of pastries!

It’s not Thanksgiving without grandma’s pie! This boy by Nicole Allin can’t have only one slice! 🥧

When all the plates are empty and leftovers properly put away, let’s raise our glass with these squirrel & turkey by Janna Krupinski (represented by Jennifer Nelson Artists, Inc.) and wish for more to be thankful for in the coming year! 🥂