Erika Catellani

Erika Catellani

Polpette Stellari

"Polpette Stellari" ("Stellar Meatballs") by Erika Catellani. 

“Stellar Meatballs” is the story of Lexy's two greatest passions.

Polpette Stellari
Polpette Stellari

Lexy's two favorite things are spaghetti and meatballs and the universe, specifically planets, stars, and shiny galaxies.

For dinner Lexy asks to mum to eat on the terrace watching the sunset in the company of Cosmo, her little dog.

Polpette Stellari
Polpette Stellari
Polpette Stellari
Polpette Stellari

Staring at the fork in his hand, on which she has speared a meatball and a ball of spaghetti, she realizes that it looks very much like a planet surrounded by its tangled rings, LIKE SATURN!

Polpette Stellari
Polpette Stellari

You can read the rest of the story and see all the illustrations on my website!

If you want to work together write to me at [email protected]

I'd love to hear from you!  -E-

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