John Nez - Children's Books of all sorts

Lucky me, I am the 'Illustrator of the Week' this week! Hooray...
I've illustrated and written more than 60 books of every sort - picture books, board books, poems, folk tales & interactive books.
I work in real and digital mediums, which combines the best of art and science. I have an extensive blog, Instagram and Twitter pages… and they’re all linked to my website. You'll find lots of my step by step demos and live drawing videos there.
My own authored books include :
One Smart Cookie - the amusing tale of Cookie, the dog who can read.
Cromwell Dixon’s Sky-Cycle - a true story of the boy who built a flying bicycle in 1907.
The Twelve Days of Christmas in Washington - a lively travelogue about Washington State.
The Little Plumpkins - my own licensed characters from Random House in toy book format.
My Cherry Tree - a poetic story about the seasons and a cherry tree.
Mousey the Explorer - my first iPad interactive book app exploring the world.
I’ve done the artwork to all kinds of book for amazing authors and illustrators.
After getting a degree in English, I decided to become a children's book artist, so I moved to New York City to go to Parsons… where I was lucky to have a class with Maurice Sendak.
Clients include:
Abrams Kids, Albert Whitman, Red Chair Press,
Harpercollins, Pearson, Golden Books, Sterling,
Highlights for Children, Ladybug, Click Magazine,
Hyperion Books, Tiger Tales, G.P. Putnam’s Sons,
Usborne, Kane Press, Dutton, IRD, McGraw Hill,
The Wright Group, Usborne Books, Jim Henson,
Western Publishing, Golden Books, Blue Apple Books, Holiday House,
Putnams BRYR, Holt, Atheneum Books, Scholastic Books,
Children’s Television Workshop, Lerner, Cricket,
Green Frog Press, Mondo Books, Little Brown BFYR,
Two Lions Books, Oxford University Press,
Jimmy Patterson Books