
The Organisation

Finding Wonders

 This gorgeously written novel in verse about three girls in three different time periods who grew up to become groundbreaking scientists is the wonderful Victoria Assanelli's  latest collaboration. Told in vibrant, evocative poems, this stunning novel celebrates the joy of discovery and finding wonder in the world around us. 

Maria Merian discovered the truth about metamorphosis through studying caterpillars and documented her findings in gorgeous paintings of the life cycles of insects. More than a century later, the intrepid and patient Mary Anning discovered fossils that would change people’s vision of the past. Across the ocean, Maria Mitchell explored the starry sky through a telescope and longed to discover a new comet and after years of studying the night sky, finally did.

Learn how three fearless and remarkable girls became three celebrated scientists whose innovations influenced modern science and changed perceptions about the role of women! Available now and published by Atheneum Books for Young Readers.


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