Enjoy These Gardening Illustrations for Community Garden Day!

Did you know that the first full week of April is considered Community Garden Week? That’s right, instead of planning pranks, why not grab a watering can and a friend and head to a local garden? 🪴 Here’s a collection of gardening illustrations to inspire you!

Planning on gardening? Kim Gatto (represented by Cornell & Company) illustrated these garden accessories that you might need!

Spring is planting time, and this family by Abigail Marble is taking an orderly approach to creating a thriving garden in their backyard!
Plant the Garden
It’s time to put those seeds into the ground!

This amateur gardener by Mariia Furdei is hard at work planting!

In this public park by Amy Husband, townspeople gather together on weekends to have a picnic and care for their community garden!

Gardening is fun to do with friends, like these bunnies by Jane Massey.

It’s a very welcome change of scene, some outdoor fun for these school kids by Susan Detwiler.

But for some people, like this lovely girl by Debbie Meyer, gardening is a perfect alone time activity.

You can plant flowers of all kinds! This gardener by Daron Parton (represented by Illustration Online LLC) is especially fond of succulents.

If you’ve got the space like this cottage owner by Rae Ritchie (represented by Jennifer Nelson Artists, Inc.), the possibilities are endless!
Water the Garden
Don’t forget it!

A gardening essential - the watering can! Here’s a sturdy one by Laura Thompson.

Each plant has its own water needs, so water accordingly, like this anonymous gardener by Thai Son.

Keen to grow your own food? You can definitely plant your own organic garden like these siblings by Christiane Engel (represented by Good Illustration)!

Are you brave enough to do Bizarre Gardening like this fearless lady by Steve Feldman?

This friendly mole by Amy Adele (represented by Good Illustration) is growing lots of flowers for the bees!

Who says you need a big open space in the country to garden? This grandmother by Sean O'Neill is maximizing her city apartment and gardening on her balcony!

Sometimes, you just have to close your eyes and sing to you plants in the moonlight for them to grow well! What plant lullabies could this musical bunny by Amy Schimler-Safford be singing?
Harvesting the Garden
It’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labour~

How amazing is this thriving veggie patch by Laura Watson (represented by Illustration Online LLC)? 🤩 So many things are ready for harvest!

The carrots are ready! 🥕 These kids by Fhiona Galloway (represented by Beehive Illustration) are planning to make yummy meals with what they’ve harvested!

Look at all the lush veggies this Mother Hen by Olga Skomorokhova (represented by Good Illustration) is pulling up from her garden! 🤤

How about this wheelbarrow-full of fresh produce from these hedgies by Gill Guile?

Another success story is this Gardening Club by Karen Donnelly, who are on track to harvest the biggest batch of produce from the school garden!