Tammie Lyon

Tammie Lyon

Represented by mbartists
Tammie Lyon Interview

Tammie Lyon

Children's Illustrator

Who or what made you want to become an illustrator?

I have always wanted to be an illustrator! Even as a little kid my mom remembers that I told her that I was going to draw pictures when I grew up. I guess it was meant to be. I am a book nerd for sure and have always loved to read. I still have all of my favorite books from my childhood and I have no doubt the illustrations inside where a big part of my desire to be an artist. I think all of the funny quirky characters that I encountered have stayed inside my head and have made their way into my images. I love goofy, fun, sweet characters that are just a little different and following their own beat.

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Where do you currently live and where did you grow up?

I have been lucky enough to travel the world but I call  Cincinnati, Ohio my home.I have pretty much been an Ohioan most of my life.  I studied art at The Columbus College of Art and Design in Columbus, Ohio. My travels make their way into my art quite often.

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Which books from your own childhood really stand out?

This is a tough question because so many have been favorites for me. I can remember just studying images and absorbing every detail. I LOVED the Phantom Tollbooth. I thought it was the most fantastical story and the gestural, sketchy black line images were amazing!

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What is your favourite medium to work with and why?

I love to try all kinds of techniques but tend to gravitate the most towards watercolor and pencil. I also work digitally and love experimenting there as well. It has opened up a whole new world of creativity. The best for me is combining the two.

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Do you keep a sketch book?

I do! Its actually a sketch book, scraps of paper, on my iPad etc. When ever an idea pops in I use whatever is available at the moment. Sometimes I sketch just to warm up my brain before I dig into my work day.

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Tell us about the creation of your favourite character from one of your books.

I have been fortunate enough to work on some great book series. Its fun to be able to develop a character for the long haul. I currently work on the Katie Woo franchise and she has become one of my favorite characters. I feel like I know her so well! Its great to build the character with all of the details not only appearance wise but likes and dislikes, friends, pets, etc. 

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Have you ever thought about trying out a different technique or a different style?

Yes I do! I try to adjust for the age as well as the mood and sentimate the art is trying to convey.

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Are you an author/illustrator?

YES! I am so happy to say that writing has become a part of my creativity as well. Its been a fun challenge for me and one I am fully embracing. I love telling the story and then retelling visually, its the best of both worlds! I love to write on a notepad with a pencil. Something about not typing but actually writing seems to help me think more creatively.

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Animals feature heavily in children’s books – do you have a pet?

This is a great question for me! I love to include animals with my main characters. They are the best sidekicks ever! I always had dogs growing up and have two that currently hang in my studio all day and provide endless ideas and inspiration! 

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