Kristine Purcell Sacco

Kristine Purcell Sacco

Kristine Purcell Sacco Interview

Kristine Purcell Sacco

Children's Illustrator

Who or what made you want to become an illustrator?

I became an illustrator very young in life. I used to make my own story books as a child. I have been a commercial artist, art teacher for children with special needs, and now, an illustrator. My experiences in life has given me the drive to illustrate and write children's picture books.

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Talk us through the process of creating one of your latest illustrations or books.

I am a very visual hands on creative and I still love to work with pencil and paper. I am in the process of illustrating a dummy book.

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Where do you get the ideas for your characters?

I have so many ideas for picture books, many from my family and my former students. 

Animals feature heavily in children’s books – do you have a pet?

I have two beloved pets named Ollie and Mitsy. They are both puppies and they keep me company when I work in my studio.

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