Kasia Nowowiejska
Children's Illustrator
Who or what made you want to become an illustrator?
I’ve always loved books for children. Since I can remember, I’ve collected old polish picture books. Graphics for kids always made me feel good. Great colours, mystery and interesting characters. There is always something new to discover and things don't have to be so serious all the time.

Did you attend art school or undertake any other formal artistic training?
I studied painting at Fine Arts Academy in Gdańsk.
How and why did you decide to pursue illustration as your career?
I always loved graphics for kids and during my studies I start to work as an illustrator and a background artist at an animation studio, where I enjoyed creating illustrated worlds for animation.
After seven years of wonderful adventure in the animation industry, my passion for illustration led me to pursue a career as a freelance artist.

Have you always loved to draw?
Yes, ever since I can remember I loved to draw all the time. My father was my first teacher and inspiration. He guided me and showed me different styles and techniques when I was little girl.

Do you have a favourite picture book or recall one of the first picture books you saw?
I really admire Benji Davies illustrations. I love the lightness, colour and wonderful characters he creates. When I look at his books, I feel like a little girl again.
What do you hope children take away from your drawings?
I hope to help children visualise their first impression of a character, landscape or situation and then they are free to open their minds and start to create their own world as far as the imagination can go.

Outline your dream project.
The great book of animals from all over the world living in their natural conditions is something I would love to draw and I think that could be my dream project.
Which area of children’s publishing excites you the most?
I love nature and animals, so working on a book in which I can draw plants, landscapes and furry friends is a great pleasure for me and these are my dream projects.

What things affect your creativity?
I really like camping with my husband and my little daughter. A few days spent in the forest or by the lake in a tent surrounded by nature gives me a lot of energy, fresh ideas and willingness to work.
I also like to visit contemporary art galleries. The mixture of colours, textures and light created by various artists always makes new ideas come to my mind.
When you are not drawing, how do you like to relax?
I love horses, I truly believe in natural horsemanship and spend lots of time with my favourite horse in the world.
Animals feature heavily in children’s books – do you have a pet?
Yes, I’m an adopted dog owner.