Elena Aiello
Children's Illustrator
How and why did you decide to pursue illustration as your career?
Since I was little I have always loved drawing animals and fantastic stories. As a child, I didn't know it was a job, but as I grew up and saw the various books in the bookshop, I said to myself "I want to do this job too". I love it when new projects arrive because I already imagine the book I designed in the library or in the hands of a child. It's always exciting.
What was your first commission as a professional illustrator?
My first assignment happened thanks to my agency Lemonade Illustration agency. I still remember the emotion when I received that proposal via email. I designed a series of 4 books starring delightful little animals. It is one of the most beautiful projects anyone has asked me to do. I hope to draw stories like this again in the future.
Describe your working technique and how you came to perfect it.
My work follows a very specific process. First I study the project carefully and then I start making sketches on my iPad with Procreate. Once the sketches have been approved, I move on to the color and finishing touches via Photoshop.
Talk us through the process of creating one of your latest illustrations or books.
I always start from an idea and already imagine the final result in my mind. First of all, I choose a color palette that can best represent the mood of the scene. Afterwards, I do several character design studies in order to create the characters suitable for the scene, paying attention to various details: clear lines, convincing expressions and even the right clothes for the character. Then we move on to the scene and here too it is important to communicate correctly what is happening. Once the "study" part is finished, we move on to creation and rendering using Procreate and Photoshop.
What does a typical day in the studio look like for you?
My routine has changed slightly since becoming a mother of two little ones, but basically I check my emails first. Once I have responded to the clients, I begin to design the projects based on the deadlines. The life of a designer is not very busy and you are always "connected" as the customer may need a fix and you always have to have the tools ready to intervene.

Take us behind the scenes and describe your studio / workspace.
I'm very proud of my desk. It is not very big and above all it is not often tidy, but it is comfortable and above all very colorful as I like it. On my desk there is my computer which I mainly use for emails, updating the site, portfolio, etc and making color fixes and other things on projects. I not only work as an illustrator, but I also deal with art direction for advertising projects together with my husband (who works next to me). Then I have my faithful iPad with Procreate, the indispensable tool for working. And finally, lots and lots of pencils and colors of all kinds, notebooks and canvases because even though I work full time with digital, in my free time I enjoy drawing by hand. My faithful headphones can't be missing either because I love listening to music while I work. On the shelves instead there is my collection of Sylvanian Families because their little colorful world always inspires my works in creating cute illustrations (and then I like to take them and play with my daughter, every now and then). In the cabinet next to my desk there are many books. Both books designed by me, and art books for inspiration.
What would you say is a distinguishing feature of your artwork?
I think that my style can be recognized not only by the themes, but above all by the big eyes that characterize my characters. I think these big eyes with big pupils are my distinguishing feature.
Where do you get the ideas for your characters?
It's everyday life that inspires me. I have drawn my animals many times, and today I often draw my children and their delightful outfits. They always inspire me, also and above all in the things they do and their approach to life.
Share your favourite piece of artwork from your portfolio and walk us through its creation.
I think this pirate drawing is one of the cutest I've done. The many details, the sunny colors, the cute characters, the many things that happen on stage...I find it very cute.I wanted to update the portfolio with something different, so I decided to draw a pirate ship with lots of characters, an island, and even a giant but cute octopus. It took a few days to make this drawing, but level after level, it has finally taken shape and I am satisfied with the result.

Who is your favourite children’s book character and why?
I admit that I don't have a favorite character as I've never particularly attached myself to the story. Furthermore, when I was little, unfortunately I didn't have children's books at home and I didn't have the opportunity to become attached to any characters. Now, reading the stories with my little girl, I can say that I really appreciate Pimpa (a little white dog with red polka dots who lives with her owner Armando) and Paddington Bear.
Outline your dream project.
My dream project? For many years I have imagined a series of books starring a very peppery bunny named Momo. A preschool series starring Momo and her animal friends as they engage in educational adventures and stories. I've always had this secret dream and who knows, one day I might find the right publisher...
Which area of children’s publishing excites you the most?
I love making projects for very young children. Creating recognizable yet cute characters is always a fun challenge. I would say that my favorite projects are the colorful preschool ones. I also really like "interactive" books, the cardboard ones with lots of boxes to discover or buttons to press.
Which project are you most proud of?
I think the best books I have designed are a series dedicated to younger children. A series of 4 books with different themes; the farm, the sea, the dinosaurs and the jungle. It was a lot of fun drawing all these colorful animals and their settings and the books turned out very well.
What are some of your favourite subjects to draw?
Definitely my kids. I especially love drawing my daughter with her tiny teeth and adorable outfits. I love drawing her with her hairstyles and her great desire to play. Definitely my favorite theme, in fact I'm making a series of illustrations of my daughter's "typical" day to then make a children's book.
Are there any children’s classics you’d love to illustrate and/or re-tell?
I don't know what I would give to illustrate a Little Golden Book. I find these books delightful as they are small and have wonderful illustrations. And then I would like to draw the story of Little Red Riding Hood. I have drawn the characters many times for personal enjoyment, but I would love to illustrate the whole story. I hope to be commissioned to illustrate this fairytale in the future.