Tom Arvis

Tom Arvis

"The Buddy Bridge" by Bud Grey & Tom Arvis

"The Buddy Bridge" by Bud Grey & Tom Arvis

This is the book I illustrated in 2021 for my old college "Bud", with whom I also produced a comic strip called "Mert The Mortician" which was published in "The Breeze", the school newspaper of our shared alma mater, James Madison University, way back in the late 70's. While shut up at home due to Covid, Bud wanted to self-publish this book as a gift for his granddaughter Cici, whom he had yet been able to meet. This was without a doubt my most challenging book to illustrate thus far, as Bud's wildly imaginative rhyming couplets involved far more than the usual one-image-per-page approach, due to it's vivid descriptions and characters, and the fact that Bud wanted to keep it at about 20 pages. This invloved expanding the illustrations to full page with about 3 or more images per page, and integrating the text within the image. I also formatted the book for Bud and helped him get it uploaded to Amazon self-publishing arm, Kindel Direct Publishing (KDP) where it's available here-

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