The Squirrel That Found the North Star
The second in the Starry Stories series, in this astronomical children's book our friend the Squirrel meets Ursa Major and Minor, who teach him about their constellations and how they can be used to find the North Star. A wonderful combination of verse, storytelling, and science for kids!

Greenwich Park in autumn
This is the opening illustration from The Squirrel that Found the North Star, second in the Starry Stories series. Here we see the setting of the story, Greenwich Park, in autumn jutst as the sun is setting. Our protagonist the Squirrel is emerging from his tree.

Cygnus visits the Squirrel
From the astronomical picture book The Squirrel That Found the North Star: Here Cygnus the swan visits the Squirrel and tells him she can help him learn more about the stars with two friends from a land of snow and frost.

The Squirrel imagines a snow monster
From the astronomical picture book The Squirrel that Found the North Star: The Squirrel imagines a hairy, be-clawed monster from a land of snow and frost, which looks a lot like an abominable snow squirrel!

The Squirrel is Alone
From the astronomical picture book The Squirrel That Found the North Star: Once Cygnus leaves the Squirrel to fetch her starry friends, he fears that monsters are lurking nearby. Luckily there are only glow worms!

The Squirrel meets Ursa Major and Minor
From the astronomical picture book The Squirrel That Found the North Star: The Squirrel meets Ursula and Carl, better known as the constellations Ursa Minor and Major.

Greenwich Park in the days of bears
From the astronomical picture book The Squirrel That Found the North Star: Ursa Major and Minor describe a time when London was full of bears, wolves and other wild animals, long long ago.

How to find the North Star
From the astronomical picture book The Squirrel That Found the North Star: Ursa Major and Minor teach the squirrel how to find the North Star using the stars in their constellations.

Watching the Stars

The Squirrel imagines the Northern Lights
From the astronomical picture book The Squirrel That Found the North Star: Imagining the Northern Lights fills the squirrel with excitement and an idea for a future adventure!