"FIRST PRIZE". Laboratory design contest-for video game- Estacion Pi

"This is a contest organized by the Mexican studio Estación Pi, developer of video games. The participants could be from 9 countries of Latin America and the USA. The contest was launched on social networks and I was very struck by the prize that was awarded, one Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16.
This was during the winter term of the agency, and where I had a little time to organize and participate. A few days before the announcement of the winners, I was notified by mail that I had been selected as one of the finalists, my nerves rose more than they already were.
The announcement of the finalists and winners, was broadcast live by Instagram and Facebook, my nerves were at their best, and when they announced that I was the winner I could not believe it, the joy was immense.
After several comings and goings to try to send me my prize, which was very difficult to receive here in Argentina, I decided to travel to buzz it. It was a wonderful experience, since I was able to meet all the video game developer team and that beautiful city with all its attractions and its history, very nice experience.
The video game (G.R.E.E.N.) will be released this year worldwide, and I will also appear in the credits of the game and my illustration will be part of one of its levels.
The truth that all this has been very rewarding for me, and I really want to continue working every time harder and learning every day. I also thank all the Beevive team that always give me all the support and congratulations on every job I do, the truth that makes me feel very good, thank you very much."